Lions of Judah
By Ted Willis
A deal with the devil…
Captured while trying to kill Reichsmarshall Goering in 1939, four young Jews are offered a bargain — to perform a dangerous mission for the Nazis in exchange for the lives of 10,000 Jews.
But is committing murder to save 10,000 innocent lives still committing a crime?
Is it right to fight one kind of evil with another?
And does anyone have the right to play God and decide which lives are more important?
We have to make value judgements – we have to decide not between good and evil, but between the greater evil and the lesser. It’s the dilemma of our age. We have no other choice. Do you see a choice? After all, isn’t that exactly what you are doing, in another way? Do your means justify the ends you seek?
The captees must make impossible decisions in order to save lives and save their own moral integrity.
Ted Willis gives an interesting insight into the attempts to prevent the development of the atomic bomb by the Allies in return for the release of Jewish people in the hands of the Germans.
Ted Willis (1914-1992) was a British playwright, novelist and screenwriter who was also politically active in support of the Labour Party. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most prolific writer for television, and also wrote 34 stage plays and 39 feature films.