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Brellitine Grever & The Sea of Gelled

By Ruhi Jain

How far will you be willing to push yourself to get back those you love?

Brell Grever doesn’t have much. Her horrible aunt does the bare minimum to take care of her, and she spends her days working on the farm – no time to have any sort of a life. But she has her brother, and after practically raising him, he’s her whole world.

One morning she wakes up to find him gone, starting a frantic search through the village for the boy. She ends up in the Wandering Woods, home of many a dark tale. There she meets a strange boy who tells her he knows where her brother is.

In the Sea of Gelled.

He’s been taken to become the heart of the evil mermaid queen. Literally. The queen will rip out his heart and take it for her own, for she has none to sustain her. Brell of course is skeptical, but magic and a mysterious pond send her off on a journey into the Seven Seas, where mermaids abound and the wicked Queen Zeldae has an iron grip on the people.

Will she be able to rescue her brother? Who can she trust in this strange world? Will her parent’s disappearance finally be explained?

Join Brell on her high-tide adventure in the Seas, where strange surroundings and an even stranger twist of fate lead to the adventure of a lifetime.

Ruhi Jain is a London born author who loves reading, asking questions and interacting with people from all walks of life. Her novel ‘Brellitine Grever and The Sea of Gelled’ gives readers the delightful experience of an unexplored world as they accompany Brellitine through her dramatic and adventurous journey. Ruhi hopes that it will empower young adults to fight for what they believe in, no matter what the odds. To have courage to not just rescue themselves, but others as well, just like Brell. She is currently working on her second novel of the trilogy. Ruhi lives in Mumbai, India with her family.

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