Death Trap offered a chance to go deep into the often misunderstood world of Co-Dependency.
I work for a Charity using “Creativity Against Addiction” – and I had come to understand Co-Dependency was not as I supposed, a clinging SM pain-seeking exchange with ever reducing returns, but an addictive state which stemmed from the same place as other addictions.
The victim is rarely masochistic, but looks for fulfilment and warmth and this is not gratified through pain. The perpetrator, usually male, cannot survive without controlling – so causes pain. He has often been abused as a child. The victim with too few boundaries and too much need for closeness is open to attracting a partner who needs to control and punish. The initial fix is his initial charm, and the victim’s submission.
The bond is ecstatically complete. The too good fit. The locked horns of symbiotic closeness lead to ever more dangerous roles.
As I progressed with the writing, I found the story invited other elements bordering on the vampirical.
Placing the relationship between two women offered a deep, dark, less obvious narrative. The challenge was to show the erotic scenes by implication rather than explicit description, so making them stronger and giving a lingering sense of mystery and forbidden attraction leading to the prison without bars.
Ultimately each party is in search of wholeness. The tragedy is – they both end in a state of destruction.
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