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Thicker Than Water

By Jean Saunders

Private Investigator Alexandra Best has taken on a strange case. Norman Price calls for her help after his daughter goes missing.

But for Best this case must be solved against a ticking clock; she has six weeks to find Caroline Price before she loses her inheritance. If she fails, hundreds of thousands of pounds will fall into the hands of Jeremy Laver – Caroline’s cousin and Alexandra’s chief suspect.

As she begins her investigations, a private diary, written in a strange code, becomes Alexandra’s primary clue. But even after she cracks the code, it leads her to more questions than answers.

Why didn’t Norman want the police involved?
Why was she only called now, when Caroline had already been missing for two weeks?
Is Norman telling her everything he knows about his reclusive daughter?
And who is the mysterious ‘M’ who appears in Caroline’s journals?

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