The Secrets of Mabel Eastlake
By Donald S. Olson
Two violent murders occurred on the same night in 1939, in the fabulous Art Deco mansion of screen star Mabel Eastlake.
According to an old Hollywood legend, her lover, Jimmy Flame, killed both her husband and her mentor-Director before dying in a car crash while trying to escape. After the scandalous trial Mabel Eastlake closed herself into her Beverly Hills mansion with her stand-in Fancy Barlow and her dresser, Cygnet Sackville, and never again appeared in public.
Mabel Eastlake’s unbelievable secret, the truth about her surprising life, leaves investigative reporter Alex Klein stunned — and may leave him dead. A wily New Yorker and Mabel Eastlake fan, Alex gains access to the legendary screen star’s home only to find himself trapped in a bizarre world of intrigue and danger.
With its larger-than-life characters and slyly subversive plot, The Secrets of Mabel Eastlake is a compelling tale of truth and illusion in Hollywood’s most glamorous era, the Thirties, when real life was even more unbelievable than the stories on the silver screen.