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The Mayor of Montebello

By Revel Barker

The sleepy Mediterranean island of Montebello has never had a Mayor like Horatio Greene.

A veteran Fleet Street reporter, who spent his childhood holidays on the island, and who has retired there early, Horatio is a ferocious editor of the local paper.

But he has spent so much time criticising the way the island is run they decided to put him in charge.

But not everything is Montebello is as it appears.

And underneath the tranquil surface run ancient feuds and passions that are about to explode.

And the new Mayor of Montebello soon discovers he has taken on far more than he bargained for — and there is a lot more to the island than he ever knew.

‘The Mayor of Montebello’ is sun-kissed Mediterranean mystery story. It is a captivating tale of island life that will entrance anyone who had ever spent a leisurely afternoon sipping the local wine and watching the waves wash against the beach.

It is perfect for fans of Victoria Hislop, Joanne Harris and Louis de Bernieres.

‘As Mayor of a small Mediterranean island, Horatio has it all: the power, the fun, and as for those girls… He’s the king of paradise. What’s more, it only rains at night. A tremendously fun read that had me hooked from start to finish.’ – Colin Dunne, best-selling author of ‘Black Ice’ and ‘Red Alert’.

‘A wonderful portrait of an Italian island. Pure escapism.’ Robert Avon, best-selling author of ‘Diary of an Angel’.

Revel Barker started writing for newspapers while still at school and joined the Yorkshire Evening Post in Leeds before becoming the youngest reporter ever employed by the Daily Mirror, eventually becoming managing editor of the paper. He now lives on an island in the Mediterranean.




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