The Magnificent Evan
By Ian Skidmore
All is for the best on the best of all possible islands.
After the two tiny Welsh islands of Yns Becod and Yns Tad declare independence from Great Britain, under the leadership of Huw ap Gryffydd, the economy booms.
Low taxes have led to an influx of money and the islanders are growing rich.
But dark clouds are gathering on the horizon.
The American President wants to station missiles on the island.
The British Prime Minister wants to bring them back within the United Kingdom.
And the Mafia is moving in, seeing Yns Becod and Yns Tad as another Cuba: an off-shore gambling centre – except with more sheep and less sunshine.
The plucky islanders hard-won independence is under threat.
Until a leader emerges. A shepherd with a magnificent voice and a knack for preaching.
Evan Evans.
Otherwise known as The Magnificent Evan.
Can he lead his people to salvation?
Or will Huw ap Gryffydd and the islanders lose everything?
‘The Magnificent Evan’ is a brilliant, laugh-out-loud political satire with a colourful and comic cast of characters that will linger long in the memory. It is
perfect for fans of Tom Sharpe, Terry Pratchett and Ben Elton.
“Ian Skidmore is a talent to rival Tom Sharpe. The funniest writer in Wales.” – The Liverpool Daily Post.
Ian Skidmore is the author of more thirty books – many of them best-sellers. He was also one of the most widely-read newspaper columnists and radio show presenters in the UK. After thirty years with BBC Wales, he was awarded the coveted Golden Microphone Award … and then fired a month later when BBC bureaucrats discovered he was English!
Endeavour Press is the UK’s leading independent digital publisher.
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