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The Magic of Ethansay

By Sheila Spencer Smith

When Michael Adams steps aboard Bronian Anderson’s boat she notices him immediately. Tall, tanned and muscular, how could she not? But Bronian has no time for romance, as she has a business to build…

Bronian and her grandfather, Alistair Brett, live on a small island in the Western Isles of Scotland called Ethansay. They are starting a whale watching business to finance a mammal research project that is near and dear to both their hearts. But this first whale watching tour is off to a bad start when the boat they ordered doesn’t arrive in time, and they have to use their own, which is not in the best of shape. The weather is bad, one of the women on the tour is seasick, and her husband is being very difficult. Then Bronian discovers the anonymous investor in their business is travelling incognito on the tour, and she starts to suspect it is Mike. When they stumble upon some stranded dolphins, and she has to ask Mike for help, she thinks her incompetence will ruin everything for her and her grandfather.

Bronian is doing her best, but everything seems to be going wrong. But just when things seem hopeless, she is reminded of why she loves the wildlife and the land so much, and is even more determined to protect it.

Filled with the joy and beauty of nature, The Magic of Ethansay will have readers booking a trip to Scotland, sure to fall in love.

Sheila Spencer-Smith was born and grew up in Dorset and has returned to live there on the retirement of her husband, having enjoyed dwelling in various other places in the UK. She has loved writing since she was a child. Her natural ability to sense and depict place and atmosphere shines through in her books, and she has written many short stories, articles and books for children and adults. The Magic of Ethansay is one of her highly popular, romantic novels.

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