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The Journey of Kim Nam Tao

By Malcolm Bosse

The tale of one man’s journey to freedom…

When the Viet Minh take control of the village of Ba Lang in northern Vietnam, Tao Kim Nam, the son of a landowner, is forced to flee his home.

For with the arrival of the Viet Minh has come a new set of rules for the villagers of Ba Lang – including new taxes and rules for when to say Mass.

But when Nam’s brother Dong, a priest, defies the commands of the Viet Minh, his actions threaten to put the Tao family in danger. And while Dong is ready to face the consequences of his actions, he urges his brother to head to Haiphong.

When Nam ends up killing a Viet Minh guard, he realises that he has no other choice but to escape…

Making the perilous journey from Ba Lang to Haiphong and then on to Saigon in the South, Nam must keep his wits about him at all times in order to survive…

And will life for Nam in Saigon be what he expects?

The Journey of Tao Kim Nam explores the ramifications of one man’s quest for freedom in the aftermath of the partitioning of Vietnam, set against the backdrop of the political conflict between the French and the Viet Minh.

Malcolm Joseph Bosse (1926-2002) was an American author of both young adult and adult novels. He was born in Detroit, Michigan, and is a graduate of Yale University. He served in the US Navy and was also an English teacher in City College of New York in Manhattan. His novels are often set in Asia, and have been praised for their cultural and historical information relating to the character’s adventures. Bosse mostly wrote historical fiction after the publication of The Warlord, which quickly became a bestseller. He also won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in 1983. The Journey of Tao Kim Nam was his first novel.

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