The Huntsman
By Gerald Verner
Supertintendent Robert Budd is faced with one of his toughest assignments, in separating the strands of mystery that grip the village of Chalebury.
There are the series of robberies at big houses perpetrated by the burglar known as Stocking-foot, and the witnessed appearances of the Huntsman, the manisfestation of a ghost legend, followed by the brutal murders of a villager and a local police Inspector.
Interweaving with these is the discovery, under the dead body of the Inspector, of the missing ruby ring belonging to a frightened young woman who lives in a large, dilapidated house with only one servant.
Is there a connection between all these crimes and other oddities happening in one tiny village?
Gerald Verner (1897-1980) was the pseudonym of British writer John Robert Stuart Pringle. Born in London, Verner wrote more than 120 novels that have been translated in over 35 languages, and many of his books have been adapted into films, radio serials and stage plays. Verner also wrote forty-four Sexton Blake tales.