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The German Revolution: Its Meaning and Menace

“…is Hitlerism compatible with the peaceful progress of civilization?”

The answer to that question is well known today.

However, published in 1933, The German Revolution: Its Meaning and Menace charts and analyses the political situation in Germany without knowledge of the terrible climax.

After the First World War, Germany collapsed into revolution. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated and fled. Germany became the Weimar Republic. The Spartacist Uprising sought a Communist State. Communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered. The political right began to rise…

A contemporary British politician, Joseph King gives a perspective and commentary on post-war Germany, examining from the implementation of the Treaty of Versailles, through the political turmoil and putsches, to the rise of Hitler as Chancellor.

This wide-ranging approach sets the scene for Hitler’s rise to power and the policies he began to implement.

A contemporary account, The German Revolution: Its Meaning and Menace is not only a valuable historical work, but also a fascinating insight into how Germany was viewed in this tumultuous time.

Joseph King (1860-1943) was a British politician. Beginning his career in the Liberal Party, Joseph transferred to Labour after the First World War. Joseph wrote a number of political works, particularly on Russia and Germany.

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