Strange Company
The fight is on…
When Dhu Walker, an educated, half Cherokee Indian, is separated from his brigade at the battle of Pea Ridge, he sees a chance to escape his Confederate tormentors.
On the run, he meets Ben Franklin Lacey, a simple farm boy from Iowa. In the Union blue himself, Ben eyes Dhu’s uniform and the colour of his skin with mistrust.
Soon they find a common enemy in Confederate Captain, Gordon Early – better known as ‘Old Harm’ because of his streak of sadism.
Captured by ‘Old Harm’ and the remains of his company, Dhu and Ben must find a way to break free from the torture that surely awaits them.
In a divided land, can Dhu and Ben overcome the odds and exact a deserved revenge?
Praise for Robert J. Conley
“Conley portrays the rough and tumble frontier from the Indian point of view… Veteran novelist Conley works on three levels: murder mystery, frontier political potboiler, and the search for personal identity.” – Booklist
“Conley [is] in the ranks of such writers as… Louise Erdrich… and W.P. Kinsella as literary interpreters of the Indian experience.” – Sunday Journal-Star (Lincoln, NE)
“Conley [is] among the most productive and inventive of modem Western novelists” – Dale L. Walker, Rocky Mountain News
“Conley speaks with a clear Cherokee Indian voice to show how his tribe’s cultural characteristics have survived centuries of abrupt change to give readers an understanding of the fullness and humanity of the Cherokees as a people.” – The Cherokee Advocate
Pioneering Press is a western imprint of Endeavour Press – the UK’s leading independent digital publisher. We publish new and classic westerns by authors from the US and the UK.