Operation Manhunt
By Christopher Nicole
When a Polish general disappears from behind the Iron Curtain, Agent Jonathan Anders is assigned to investigate.
The general’s disappearance triggers an international game of hide-and-seek with British, American and Russian agents all on his tail, each with their own agenda. Chasing him across the world, Anders’ only clue is a photograph of a luxury yacht with a steward who bears a remarkable resemblance to the general. Could it really be him? And what – or who – is he hiding from?
Still trying to recover from the disaster of his first assignment in Operation Destruct, the young spy has everything to prove this time around.
Christopher Nicole‘s novels have been read by millions all over the world. Born and raised in Georgetown, Guyana, he later attended colleges in Guyana and in Barbados. In his long prolific career, Nicole has published over 200 novels and non-fiction works.