Look Out for Lucifer
By Ernest Dudley
Radium is not a substance that can be quietly stolen, with no questions asked-especially in this age of atomic warfare.
Inspector Faithfull and his mercurial sergeant, Somers, expected action when they were given the task of catching the thieves, but nothing so bewildering as the glamorous Miss Georgie Nash.
Georgie had a flair for cropping up in the most unexpected places, and Inspector Faithfull, whose working hours were already burdened by a dead body and a villainous character known as ‘Lucifer’, said hard things under his breath.
Just as the case gets started, quite a few blood pressures at the ‘Yard’ start to somersault, for ‘Wister Hale’, the mysterious ace reporter of the Daily World, begins forecasting the movements of police and crook alike with an uncanny accuracy…
Ernest Dudley ran away from home at seventeen to become an actor in a Shakespearean troop, where he would later meet his future wife on the set of Peter Pan. Dudley then turned his attention to writing, first as a journalist, then as a writer for radio, television and film, before embarking on historical and detective novel writing. He was a founding member of the Crime Writers Association, and a marathon runner well into old age.