Kings over the Water: The Saga of the Stuart Pretenders
By Theo Aronson
Of all royal lost causes, none has a stronger fascination than that of the Stuart Pretenders to the British throne.
For well over a century, four successive Stuart kings laid claim to the crown. The first was James II, deposed in 1688 by his daughter, Mary, and her husband, William of Orange; then came James III the Old Pretender and his son, Bonnie Prince Charlie; finally, there was Henry IX who died in 1807, the last descendant in direct and legitimate line from James II. This book tells the story of these four men, and of their families.
It is an account of their public and private lives, their personalities, their relationships with others, and the extraordinary hold which they never ceased to exercise over their adherents. It is a book about people and the twilight of one of the world’s most romantic, colourful and ill-fated dynasties.