Katherine Wentworth
By D E Stevenson
Katherine has married at nineteen and has had four years of happiness before her beloved Gerald dies and she is left to bring up a stepson, Simon, and her own little twins on a very inadequate income.
She has known what it is to be loved and cherished, and now that she has lost her Gerald, all she wants is freedom and independence to bring up Gerald’s children as he would have liked.
In the case of Simon the task is not easy, for an unexpected letter offers him a very different sort of life with wide horizons. What would Gerald have wanted for his son? The situation is further complicated by a group of young people who rebel against the boredom and frustrations of modern life and find an outlet for their pent-up feelings in mischief.
Katherine is worn out with worries and difficulties and scarcely knows which way to turn; but a restful holiday in the Scottish Highlands restores her zest for living. Colours look brighter, food tastes delicious, and every day is a new pleasure. And it is only then that she begins to realise that independence is not as important as love.
D. E. Stevenson (1892-1973), Dorothy Emily Peploe (married name) was a Scottish author of more than 40 light romantic novels. Her father was the lighthouse engineer David Alan Stevenson, first cousin to the author Robert Louis Stevenson.