Judgement at Poisoned Well
By Pike Bishop
Barbed wire can be an ugly thing…
Used to cordon off land for grazing cattle, barbed wire is ugly. Used to strap a human being to a burning tree, it’s uglier still. Drawn into the barbed wire wars of Poisoned Well, Cord Diamondback becomes embroiled in a range war with the devil.
Lilith DuBois, leader of a religious cult, wants land for her people. Gena Scarf, whose lust for power is matched only by her lust for Diamondback, wants grazing land for her cattle. Both women are beautiful, both are passionate and both are as deadly as rattlesnakes.
Cord Diamondback, a man who has lost his very identity in a quest for revenge, has nothing more to lose. He takes on a task other men would run from — to bring peace to Poisoned Well…