In The Line Of Fire
1941. The North Atlantic.
Convoys of supply ships are making their way from America to England, protected by a rapidly assembled fleet of modernised war ships.
The Carmerthen, one of the destroyers, is home to seaman Donald Cameron, a nineteen-year old Commission and Warrant candidate at the bottom of the barrel for the taunting sailors.
The outmoded warship tests his resolve as he is faced with the tense task of keeping watch for enemy attacks.
But in the hubbub of lower deck life it is easy to forget they are sailing in dangerous waters…
The ship has been at sea for barely a few weeks when it is severely damaged in a surprise daylight attack.
The biting cold, exhaustion and knowledge that the attackers will be back combine to put the men on board in a blood thirsty mood…
Despite constant bombardment from prowling Focke-Wulfs and U-boats, the last handful of men manage to remain afloat, restlessly watching and waiting…
As they struggle against the freezing conditions, Cameron picks out an U-boat periscope sliding fast towards the waterlogged destroyer.
And it is homing in on what appears to be a certain victory…
‘In The Line of Fire’ is s tense, action-packed thriller that combines authenticity with brilliant story-telling.
‘A gripping page-turner.’ – Tom Kasey, best-selling author of ‘Trade-Off.’