How To Get A Six-Pack In Five Minutes A Day
By Rob McGarr
Want to look lean and fit? With perfect abs and a six-pack that will be the envy of the gym?
A better body will make you more confident – at work, with women and with yourself.
But you don’t want to spend thousands on personal trainers, fancy gym programs, and hundreds of vitamin supplements.
Then Rob McGarr is here to help.
Anyone can get a six-pack. It is sitting there underneath your stomach. All you have to do is work out how to make it visible.
How To Get A Six-Pack In Five Minutes A Day is a state-of-the-art guide to the latest in nutrition, exercise and sports science. It shows you how any man, no matter how out of shape they might be to start with, can have rippling stomach muscles with just a few simple diets and some regular daily exercises.
It includes chapters on –
The two steps to getting a six-pack
Forget about weight, think about fat
How to measure your body fat percentage
How to shed fat
Your weekly menu
Your five-minute fat-burning routine
Your five-minute ab-building routine
And a guide to fixing any problems you meet.
This is the one book that every man needs.
Rob McGarr is a men’s fitness and health writer.