Happy to be Single: The Pleasures of Independence
By Liz Hodgkinson
We are constantly being told that the best way to be both healthy and happy is to form a close, loving, intimate relationship with one other person, preferably of the opposite sex. But is this really true?
Such is the pressure to become a couple these days that most of us have never even considered the benefits of becoming or remaining single.
When we are single, we probably think of ourselves as ‘between relationships’; we think of being single as a kind of second best.
In ‘Happy To Be Single’ Liz Hodgkinson offers a very different view.
Singles should embrace and enjoy their life.
Hodgkinson argues that is single people who have all the advantages.
They have more freedom, more independence, more time, more friends, more fun, and more space. They can choose who to see and what to do – without anyone else imposing their wishes on them.
Not everybody, of course, will want to be single for ever. But after reading this book you’ll wonder why you ever thought you had to be one half of a couple in order to live life to the full?
Liz Hodgkinson is a happily single journalist, and the author of several books.
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