Diamond Geezers: The inside story of the crime of the Millennium
By Kris Hollington
In November 2000, the most audacious crime ever attempted in Britain took place: the broad daylight theft of a diamond collection worth £350 million from the Millennium Dome by a gang armed only with smoke bombs, stink bombs, a JCB, a speedboat and, bizarrely, a Catherine wheel firework.
The Diamond Geezers, a motley crew of petty criminals from south-east London, were desperate for cash and had nothing to lose; the gems were in a poorly guarded tent by the river – how hard could it be?
For the first time since that extraordinary day, author Kris Hollington lays bare the bones of the case, investigating the Diamond Geezers, the police, Dome workers and De Beers employees to get to the heart of the heist. Discover who was crazy enough to want to buy the hottest diamonds in the world, as well as the shocking secrets of the planet’s most precious diamond collection.
From the crime’s conception and execution to the notorious trial and appeal, it’s a gripping account of a remarkable true crime. On both sides, there was everything at stake. This is the unbelievable story of the Crime of the Millennium.