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Blue Yonder

By Alan Savage

The first novel in Savage’s RAF series, Blue Yonder traces the fortunes of one family across two world wars.

Sergeant Mark Bayley, a flying ace, is shot down over German lines in 1918. As he recovers, he falls in love with his German nurse, Karolina, and they marry after the war. In due course, they have a son.

For a while, things are perfect – even for Mark’s other son, John, whom Karolina adopts. And for as long as Karolina lives, there is harmony. But, after her tragically early death, their son Max finds himself seduced by the German Fatherland. And as a second war looms, the brothers are set to fight…on opposing sides.

Blue Yonder is the opening novel of Savage’s RAF series, which traces the fortunes of Max and John as World War II unfolds. Blue Yonder is a thoroughly-researched, compelling book that will appeal as much to those with an interest in military history or aviation as it will to readers of family sagas.

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