Black Ashes By Noel Scanlon
In an access of terror Paul looked for a means of escape. But he couldn’t move from the arms of that rotting corpse…
When “”poor old Johnny Johnson,”” the manager of the Consolidated Bank in Ranpur, India, mysteriously commits suicide, responsible, 40-ish Paul Roberts is swiftly sent out by the Home Office to take over.
He brings his wife, Deirdre, and their 17-year-old daughter, Monica, and they all move happily into his predecessor’s house.
Happily, that is, until they realise that Johnson (who’d hung himself in the master bedroom) is haunting the place…
Soon Paul and his family begin to understand the mysterious circumstances surrounding Johnson’s suicide, and are unwillingly drawn into the same desperate struggle.
At its centre are some gruesome apparitions, and a dream setting for the family soon turns into a nightmare to try and escape from.
Praise for Noel Scanlon:
‘Punchy and pacey: grabs you from the opening and holds you all the way to the last full stop.’ – Gordon Thomas, author of The Pontiff.
‘Noel Scanlon is Ireland’s answer to Stephen King.’ – Harry Harrison, author of West of Eden.
Noel Scanlon is an Irish writer living in the wonderfully scenic West of Ireland, County Mayo. Though he always wanted to write he started off with a career in international banking in the Middle East and India over a period of twenty years. Though he was mostly in the Middle East he also lived in India in Bombay, Calcutta, and Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. All of these places provided him with the settings for his novels. Because he didn’t find banking fulfilling on account of always having had a compulsion to write, he gave up banking and went to live in a cottage in Achill, in the west of Ireland.