Berlin Blind
By Alan Scholefield
In the convoluted world of 1940s Europe, there is a fine line between ally and enemy.
John Spencer is enjoying a relaxing evening in his Hampstead home with his wife Sue when an anonymous envelop is amongst the pile of post that has been put aside for him whilst he was away. Not one person out of a million would have recognised the insignia embossed on the enveloped, but unfortunately for Spencer, he did.
Immediately brought back to the years he spent in Berlin among smoking war-effected ruins, a harrowing past that is better forgotten, it dawns on Spencer that his comforting life is about to be shattered. Dark and terrorizing events force him back to a new Germany that has become the centre point of the urban guerrilla movement. Spencer is left to battle between anger and revenge to save his own life…
Scholefield maintains an extreme level of suspense throughout, making it unclear which character can be trusted as tension continues to build until the very last moment. This novel is perfect for those who enjoy a suspense-filled drama set against the backdrop of a war-torn Europe.
Alan Scholefield was born and educated in South Africa. After leaving university he became a journalist and travelled widely in southern and central Africa, Europe and America. He now spends most of his time with his wife and three daughters at their home in England. His short stories and nine previous novels have been published in Britain and America and translated into several languages.